Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get creative - reuse and respect

Step 3 in our eTwinning experiment involves poster creation - showing things that matter or should matter in life using:

* Big Huge Lab's Motivator
* Listen to the walls talking graffiti image pool

Why using Listen to the walls talking images?

Because we have already been active in Listen to the Walls Talking project. We contributed over 70 new graffiti photos to the pool which now has over 900 photos from 20 different countries that are licensed with a CC license which allows reuse.:-)

Re-using these photos in our motivational posters nicely builds upon the work of others, promotes the spirit of sharing and makes the style of motivational posters coherent while it at the same time allows us to choose from a wide range of topics or upload and share graffiti of our own.

When using photos of other walls talking contributors, we credited them by a discretely written author's name + or on the motivator. Text was simply added on images using Picasa.

This is what we came up with:

Nice, aren't they? We shared them with our French partners on our Twinspace - when they upload theirs, we'll vote for the best one.

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