Thursday, December 23, 2010

Take the time

As the old year is slowly coming to an end, some of us find this a good time to stop for a moment and think a bit about our previous year's journey. Where it took us. What it gave to us. What it took away.
And then we tend to make wishes and resolutions for the coming year, focussing on things that really matter to us. Things we perhaps haven't dedicated as much time as we would have liked to. Things that make our lives beautiful and ours. Things that fulfill us.
Check out the selection of 12 student poster reminders of Things that really matter in life. 12 reminders for the 12 months of the coming new year. ;-)
The posters have been created by autumn 2010 VSS group within the Listen to the Walls Talking project.

I wish you lots of time for enjoying things that matter to YOU in this coming year. Have wonderful holidays and a happy new year!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twinning reflections

What was designed as a short and simple 2 month project back in France turned out quite a challenge to carry out as planned. In October there were strikes all over France, soon after autumn vacations followed in Slovenia – it seemed that when we were at school the French partners weren't and the other way round. Then came the winter break in December and slightly before it our English class had ended. It turned out we really didn't have much time for playing.
Despite the hiccups our group mostly managed to realize the tasks set. These are some of our thoughts at the end:
It's good to connect with similarly aged students from a different country – it makes using English much more real. Students from our group generally liked the project idea, found it interesting and meaningful although not everybody managed to establish contact with a partner student.
It would have been nice, some said, if there had been more opportunities for interaction and more time devoted to a closer collaboration. Also - it would have been great if all Slovene and French students participated seriously and were quick in posting replies. eTwinning site could use some improving; simple little things like recognizing urls and hyperlinking them automatically would be nice.
As a teacher I think our participation in this project nicely showed in practice the importance of the impression you make online with your intro, creativity and responsiveness. Others judge you by what you show them. Being open, reliable and active can take you further - or at least shows a better picture ;-). Different people always view things differently – which good! We should be respectful of others and others of us.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get creative - reuse and respect

Step 3 in our eTwinning experiment involves poster creation - showing things that matter or should matter in life using:

* Big Huge Lab's Motivator
* Listen to the walls talking graffiti image pool

Why using Listen to the walls talking images?

Because we have already been active in Listen to the Walls Talking project. We contributed over 70 new graffiti photos to the pool which now has over 900 photos from 20 different countries that are licensed with a CC license which allows reuse.:-)

Re-using these photos in our motivational posters nicely builds upon the work of others, promotes the spirit of sharing and makes the style of motivational posters coherent while it at the same time allows us to choose from a wide range of topics or upload and share graffiti of our own.

When using photos of other walls talking contributors, we credited them by a discretely written author's name + or on the motivator. Text was simply added on images using Picasa.

This is what we came up with:

Nice, aren't they? We shared them with our French partners on our Twinspace - when they upload theirs, we'll vote for the best one.